"We may not have it all together.. But together we have it all!"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Finally Doing This!!

I look at all of my Facebook friends that do blogs and have decided that I really would like to start one of my own... So I'm finally doing it!!! So now I need to catch up the past 2 1/2 years of our lives so here goes the first year together!!

Dakody and I met at what is called the "Pig Out" in Coalville in June of 2009. Both of us somewhat knew each other from being in a small town and going to the rival schools but never had "officially" met. So we were sort of set up to meet at this "Pig Out" by some close friends of ours. I'd never dated a cowboy before him so I was a little leery to try it out but am so grateful that I did!!!

Our first date was quite an eventful one... We planned to go with Kim and Brehan (the friends that set us up) on a double date to dinner at Tagarts in Morgan Canyon. So Dakody picked me up and we headed over to The Richins Home to meet up. Brehan leads to tell us that she thinks there are mice in her car so the boys tear the car apart trying to find them and their no where to be found so the boys say its fine and we hop in to head to Tagarts, not minutes later we hear squeaking and I jump on Dakody's lap (I know moving fast on the first date but there is nothing I hate worse then mice... well and spiders!!). Well it probably was the longest ride to Tagarts but it wasn't too bad and Dakody sure liked being my protector lol... Dinner turned out well and we headed home me sitting as close as I could to Dakody for fear of the mice. We got back to Kim and Bre's house and watched movies and Kylee and Kimbre helped me paint Dakody's toe nails (I was quite surprised he let us do this but thought he was so cute for being such a good sport). It was a fun night despite the mice incident but later they caught the stupid things. Dakody tells everyone that he planned it from the beginning to get me closer, I just laugh...

Dancing on the 1st date
We went on dates and hung out but became serious in September of 2009 (Dakody says he finally found the right broom he's such a goof).We hung out every night together {{in fact we didn't go one day without seeing each other until the day before our wedding.}} Lots of dinner dates, movie nights, just anything we could find to spend time together.
Our 1st Ute Game


Our 1st pumpkin


Another Ute Game

Dakody proposed to me on December 12, 2009 at my Givan family Christmas Party. Santa Claus came to the party like every other year and each kid got to go up and sit on Santa's lap and get their present like every other year. I was the last one to be called up and Santa asks if I've been good and then gives me a card I open it and read it and it tells me that my present was too big for Santa's bag then Dakody came up and knelt and asked me to marry him!!! I was so surprised and of course said YES!!!

Right after he Proposed

Showing off the ring at Denny's

Being Silly at Denny's


The Ring

We decided to get married June 4, 2010. So we quickly started planning the wedding realizing we only had 6 short months to get ready. {{You may be saying 6 months is a long time to plan a wedding but trust me it flies by!!}} We spent lots of time together like I said we didn't go a day without seeing each other even if it was only for a few hours which happened a lot because of our different work schedules. But we made it work!!

Our 1st Christmas

Our first Christmas I realized how much this man was going to spoil me (I actually figured that out a lot earlier than this but oh boy did he spoil me on Christmas... which I might add I don't mind that he does...) He got me A TON of stuff! Clothes, camera, all sorts of things. I actually made my first blanket for him for Christmas I was quite proud of myself.. It was a great Christmas!!
Pictures Throughout our engagement

Christmas Day


Dinner in our matching outfits


New Years Eve

Us with Whisper at Region Drill

Kelby's Baptism Luncheon
Just hanging out

Just goofing around

Playin in the snow

Car Rides together

Jackson Hole Trip
This was life before "Married Life"... Our 1st year together and so excited for the many more to come!!!

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